Posted on: September 1st, 2020

Through 2020 we’ve had much less travel and adventure than we’re used to here at Big Wave so our Health and Safety Advisor, Ken Law ( http://www.kenlawsafety.com/ ) suggested we took the opportunity to upgrade all our senior staff’s HSE qualifications and do the NCRQ Level 3, Safety for Managers Course. https://www.ncrq.org.uk/
Vanessa Tuson, our Head of Production, then decided that ALL of the Big Wave staff would benefit from doing both the course and also ScreenSkills online COVID training. 🙂
Everyone in Big Wave has now passed their courses with flying colours!
I started the NCRQ course in Mid-May. It takes some two days to complete and is modular & online, so it was perfect to do from home during lockdown. The course has a range of interactive modules and mini assessments which I found really interesting, and doing the course really helped raise my awareness of careful planning, and what can go wrong if the proper attention is not paid to all areas of potential risk. It also provided us with a little friendly competition as we chatted about our progress during weekly office Zoom meetings.
The course concluded with us each having to write a comprehensive Risk Assessment, submit it to NCRQ for approval, and then we had to pass an interview with a NCRQ operative.
My final assessment was on the 19th June. I found myself quite nervous as my previous work on Risk Assessments has been with the support and experience of the Big Wave team, a collaborative effort! This time it was just me, to make sure I’d fully understood all the elements of the course.
Thankfully my interview was very friendly and positive – no need to be nervous after all!
I really recommend doing the course, it’s opened my eyes to the importance of everyone in the team really understanding why each hazard has been identified, and how we can manage the risk it presents. It also was an amazing refresher on the importance of Risk Assessments and what needs to be considered when writing a Risk Assessment.
‘Essential skills for managers and supervisors. A Focus on practical management skills, and how these can be used to ensure that work is carried out safely and without risks to health. ’ NCRQ
With the slow but welcome return to the Big Wave office, we’ve also all completed a PACT/ Screen Skills COVID Awareness course, and have been getting our crews to complete it as well. It’s designed to help screen industry workers stay safe on productions.
‘This training is designed to help everyone on a production keep themselves, their colleagues and their environment as safe as possible in the face of the new challenges presented by the coronavirus’ Seetha Kumar, ScreenSkills CEO